My Spiritual Journey

So far ...

My Spiritual Journey

So far ...

"Remember Who You Are"

– the voice

The Spiritual Journey

Janine: Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?

Winston: Ah, if there’s a steady paycheck in it, I’ll believe anything you say.

– ghostbusters (the original)

It’s impossible to “prove” the existence of many beliefs I now accept as true. And my answer is always from the pragmatic perspective of William James. As I interpret his ideas: Choose any belief you wish, as long as it makes you a better person.

"... an idea is "true" so long as to believe it is profitable to our lives"


My spiritual journey has led me to believe in pretty seemingly crazy things. Extraterrestrials, extradimensionals, non-physical beings … The list goes on, although I’m still not sure about the Loch Ness monster.
Learning more about galactic and non-physical beings has given me a much broader perspective on humanity. Although different, we’re all aspects of the same creator being, living lives that allow different experiences that promote expansion of All That Is. I find that this belief system makes it easier to stay focused on my growth and out of judgment of others.
No matter what reality or dimension we’re in, we’re all on our own paths. It’s impossible to know what experience a personality wished to have in a particular incarnation on Earth. Or what contracts they have made with others. And it’s impossible to know the circumstances under which their intentions were formed. Or what wounds they hope to heal. Or how far they have come in their growth and understanding of themselves and others.
In short, we are all doing the best we can. And we will all continue our clearing work until the essence of who we are will shine brightly through and we will be love, kindness, and compassion in action on the planet.
You will often hear me say …

"It's not easy being human"

– me

But I didn’t always hold this belief about myself and humanity. I was “unconscious” for a really long time. My journey of awakening began decades ago in the ’70s when I met a person on the “spiritual path.”

Introduction to Seth

A book written by a ghost. Crazy.

I was a graduate student in psychology at the University of Iowa in the ’70s. I was close to graduation when I met a faculty member who slept under a pyramid and read books written by ghosts. No kidding. Even though she seemed normal and brilliant, she was certifiably crazy from a diagnostic standpoint.

“Here, read this …” She offered me a Seth book. It was a book written by a discarnate being channeled through Jane Roberts, a woman who went into a trance and allowed Seth to speak through her. Her husband took dictation. Really? That was crazy.

I scanned through the book and ran across a passage which, as I remember, asserted that rocks had consciousness. I liked rocks, but that was REALLY crazy.

I graduated and went about my life, but one Seth quote seemed to stick with me, even though I did not, for even a minute, believe it was true. I now find it to be a very useful belief …

"You create your own reality"

– seth

Fast forward five years …

"The Voice" Speaks

It was a beautiful day. I was driving to teach a psychology class at the University of Central Florida. And I heard “The Voice.” It was as clear as could be, coming from inside my head. It said … “Remember who you are.”

Well, that was easy. I knew who I was. Just check my drivers license, although I probably fudged a few pounds on my weight. But The Voice was not satisfied. It continued to insist that I remember who I was.

As a well-trained and duly-licensed psychologist, I knew this was not a good sign.

OMG. I wasn’t sleeping under pyramids, but I was hearing voices. Was I becoming that crazy professor?

The Voice kept speaking, “Remember who you are.”

As I now understand it, it was the voice of my soul, or “higher self,” guiding me to awaken to a greater awareness of myself as a spiritual being.

No matter what the source, resistance was futile. And I was opening to a  bigger picture of reality.

Then one day I heard a random quote from somewhere as we often do …

"You are not human beings having a spiritual experience;
you are spiritual beings having a human experience."

– attributed to Gurdjieff

I can’t say that I understood the quote right away, but without knowing it, my curiosity was leading me to the spiritual path.

It's All About Consciousness

Before long I found myself in the metaphysical section of mainstream bookstores. (Once upon a time, there were mainstream bookstores. Big spacious ones. And small, delicious independent ones. Places filled with excitement. They called to you with the promise of expansion into different worlds and life-changing ideas. And they were filled with fellow adventurers. Intoxicating.)

I scanned the shelves and there it was. The Seth Material, channeled by Jane Roberts. The book the professor had introduced me to years ago.

I picked it up and couldn’t put it down. It was one of those magic books that you know is just for you. It promised answers … and expansion.

I came to love Seth who called himself “an energy personality essence no longer focused in physical matter.”

A portrait of Seth by Robert Butts using his inner senses. Photo of Jane Roberts in trance. (Rich Conz)

According to what you have been taught, you are composed of physical matter and cannot escape it, and this is not so. Though you cannot find me, know that I am here. … I can assure you that death is another beginning, and that when you are dead, you are not silenced. … your joy is not dependent upon your youth, for I am hardly young. … Your joy is not dependent upon your physical body, for in your terms I have none. I have what I have always had, the identity that is mine. It is never diminished. It grows and develops. … What I am is also what you are: individualized consciousness.”

– seth

Even though the material seemed crazy years before, now it felt familiar and true at the deepest level of my being. Fragment personalities. Reincarnational selves. Parallel realities. Multidimensional realities. Probable events. Thought forms. Limiting beliefs. 

And here it was again: Your thoughts create your reality.

“The miracle of your being cannot escape itself. Your thoughts blossom into events. Your beliefs grow as surely in time and space as flowers do.”

– seth

Pretty poetic for an “energy personality essence no longer focused in physical matter.”

I began to change some beliefs about what I thought physical reality was all about, and I intended to grow my own multidimensional bouquet.

Graduate school had trained me well in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Statistics and Research Design, but not how to access the wisdom of higher realms, or how to identify and change the deep, unconscious limiting beliefs and unhealed trauma that create our realities. And I had most certainly not learned anything about reincarnational influences and pre-birth contracts.

Being a teacher and a healer, I needed to up my game and learn more about all this.

Stalking the Wild Pendulum

“The system wants to teach you about itself.”

– itzhak bentov

The universe teaching you about itself

It wasn’t long before another magical book appeared in my reality: Itzhak Bentov’s Stalking the Wild Pendulum.

Bentov presented a coherent system of reality that included evolving consciousness, holographic realities, frequency, vibration, multiple dimensions, and ultimate oneness.

The good news is that as our brains evolve, they develop the capacity to process information that originates in higher dimensions of reality, like psychics do.

“We human beings consider ourselves to be made up of 'solid matter.'
 Actually, the physical body is the end product, so to speak, of the subtle information fields, which mold our physical body as well as all physical matter. These fields are holograms which change in time (and are) outside the reach of our normal senses. This is what clairvoyants perceive as colorful egg-shaped halos or auras surrounding our physical bodies.”

– itzhak bentov

Time to bring on the clairvoyants and the psychics.

The Medium Is the Message

Cassadaga, Florida: Gateway to the spirit world. Photo by Matt Niemi.
It was the early ’80s and I happened to live in proximity to “The Psychic Capital of the World” – Cassadaga, Florida. There was literally a medium on every corner. My next teacher was surely there. And she was.
I met Rev. Bonnie Bemis, a truly gifted woman who had completed a book called Nameology, which used the frequency of the letters in a name to identify life paths and challenges. She was also a gifted medium, healer, and teacher.
I studied with her for quite awhile. I learned to meditate and to connect to my “Higher Self” and to my guides and unseen helpers of Love and Light.
About the Higher Self: I see my Higher Self as the consciousness who wished to experience this lifetime as me on third dimensional Earth. It exists on a higher, non-physical dimension as my “soul” or “spirit” where there is no time and there is no polarity and there are no secrets. It’s the source of “The Voice” I hear that steers me in the direction of my dreams. My human body, in its present state, cannot hold my full consciousness, but times are changing as the energies of the planet change. And the name of the game is to expand the consciousness within your physical body to hold as much of the “real” you as it can.
And about guardian angels and spirit guides: No one has an Earth experience without non-physical helpers! Like Seth and other non-physical beings.
It turns out that you can receive helpful communication from these parts of yourself and these helpers. I used the technique of “automatic writing,” which, by the way, anyone can do. Many call it channeling these days.
It was also exciting to do psychometry which involved “reading” a person by holding an object of theirs. This led to some skills as a medical intuitive. I was actually getting pretty good at it.
Rev. Bonnie called me “her little doctor” and described me as “a determined little person.” Spot on. I was determined to expand my consciousness as far as I could in as many areas as I could. It was an exhilarating time of discovery and remembering who I really was – a spiritual being having a human experience.
It wasn’t long before I became aware of all the research that was being done by hypnotherapists whose clients were reporting details of their past lives. And they were reporting the details of their lives between lives, the place where they planned their next incarnation.
The template for their life was laid down. They chose their parents and the childhood experiences that would shape their lives. What lessons did they wish to learn? Who would the players be? Who would they love? When would they leave?
 Amazing stuff.

We've Been Here Before

"The soul programs its own existence and lifetimes"


It wasn’t long before I became determined to learn as much as I could about past life regression and the planning time between lives. There were lots of books on the subject coming out, including Out on a Limb, but of course, I needed to experience it for myself.

More people were getting it.

I went through a group regression session and became aware of a lifetime as an Irish woman with a houseful of kids and a happy, loving family. The information was not earth-shattering, but comforting. Perhaps her grace could my support growth.

As I grew in my healing abilities, people who shared these beliefs began to appear in my therapy practice. Many wanted to explore their past lives as they related to current issues. The information we discovered together was always as surprising as it was helpful.

Over the years I picked up more information about my past lives (a Greek life as a mathematician, an Egyptian life as an embalmer, a life as a slave in plantation days, a life as a midwife burned at the stake, a life as a book publisher in Kansas City … )

I continue to be amazed by the karmic nature of our lifetimes. Vows made long ago that still affect our lives, fears and traumas that repeat, role reversals to learn all that is possible about an issue. And the creative ways in which old patterns are re-imagined to allow us to play out the same dramas with the same people until we heal them. Fascinating … and useful to know.

Healing People and the Planet

One day, while visiting my favorite metaphysical store, I met a woman who was offering free energy balancing experiences using the laying on of hands on the back and up to the top of the head. She also taught classes and offered a certification that allowed entry into hospitals to do hands on healing work with patients.
We’re all just energy and information

I was in. It was time to learn about the energy field and how it works. Because if you can affect the energy field, you can affect the body itself.

I am happy to say that I still have my energy healer card, and sorry to say that I never used it in a medical setting. It turns out that energy healing can also be done from a distance and it is possible to access someone’s energy field and influence it remotely, only with their permission of course.
My teacher was part of a meditation group that offered distance healing to individuals – and to the planet herself. Some might call it a prayer group. She invited me to join.
The Blue Marble. Image created by Reto Stockli with the help of Alan Nelson, under the leadership of Fritz Hasler. NASA Visible Earth.
There were about a dozen of us in the group and it amazed me that within just a few minutes we could all access the same non-physical reality. We were all aware of the same structures and people and places.
We addressed all requests for help and healing, and we worked together by sending loving, healing energy, to be used for the highest good of all.
There were also others that we worked with. I was invariably the one who tuned in to the needs of an “earthbound spirit” who needed help to get to the Light. It was just another form of healing and was very rewarding work.
And we always sent love and healing energy to the Earth herself. Even in the early ’80s we were aware of many environmental problems and were committed to helping as best we could.

"Organized" Religion

See this as a sidebar.

Something that needs to be said but doesn’t fit neatly into the narrative.

People have asked about it …
I see organized religion as a gathering of people with shared spiritual beliefs about the nature of reality who come together to honor and celebrate their transcendent creator being. And to become better people by becoming more like this being.
I see myself as a multidimensional spiritual being in a woman’s body (this time), and as a pacifist (make love, not war), and as a feminist (always looking for signs that feminine energy is rising to balance the masculine), and as a pantheistic environmentalist (seeing the creator being in all things, even in my ant friends who come inside my cabin for a drink on hot summer days). And I longed for a community who shared my values and spiritual beliefs. I’ve been open to lots of ideas.


I see Jesus as a Master who lived among us, and totally resonate with his teachings. God is Love. The eternal validity of the soul. Love your neighbor as yourself. Beautiful. True. Inspiring.
But I can’t do traditional, organized Western religion. I was raised in various Protestant churches, and exposed to Catholicism, but they were just not a good fit for me. And, as I discovered recently, they are still not a good fit.
I was in a Christian church not long ago, and the topic of the sermon was the Nicene Creed. When I heard the word “heretic,” I was ready to run for the door as images of the Inquisition filled my head. No torches and pitchforks – and worse – in this lifetime, thank you very much. Been there. Done that.
And I can’t image Jesus taking delight in torturing and killing women who didn’t believe in his ministry. I still take the justification of those horrors personally. And many others, past and present, perpetrated on “non-believers,” aka heretics.

New Thought Religions

New Thought religions emerged in the 19th century and are non-denominational in nature. They are the spiritual home of many who identify themselves as Christian.
I discovered the Unity church in high school, and learned that each person is an aspect of God and is a sacred and worthy being.
I also learned about reincarnation.
Those teachings served me well when I was widowed at 19 with a baby. When my husband died, I knew, without a doubt, that he had been in my life to help me survive my family of origin, and to bring a daughter into the world. And I knew, without a doubt, that he was a benevolent spirit who went on to help others in need in other lifetimes.
Science of Mind Principles for Kids
More recently I discovered Science of Mind, founded by Ernest Holmes, that honors the divinity in each of us and sees us as powerful creator beings. It recognized the power that our thoughts and beliefs have in creating our realities.
At the request of a Science of Mind Minister, I wrote a book to be used as a Sunday School curriculum. I don’t attend regular services, but I’m very much aligned with the Science of Mind principles.
However, I’ve found that Earth-based religions, with an environmental and feminist bent, are the best fit for me. It’s taken me awhile to get here, and I’m finding my tribe.

American Indian Spirituality

The beginning of a new journey
One day while waiting for a friend in a New Age store, I picked up a book by Ted Andrews – Animal Speak. It changed my life.
I had parrot companions at the time and thought, on the off chance, that they might be included in the book. (Sadly, all parrots indigenous to the the United States are now extinct.) I checked out the index, and to my surprise, there was a reference to parrots.
I learned that parrots were seen as birds of the sun to the Pueblo peoples. And I discovered that parrots were kept as pets in the Anastasi civilization. Some Southwestern tribes even have Parrot Clans.
I found a way to send macaw feathers to the Hopi tribe to be used for ceremony and art. And in return I was given the gift of a Parrot Clan katchina. That made me very happy.
But it wasn’t all about parrots. I learned of a way of life that saw all things as sacred. And as our relations. The trees. The rocks. The water. The animals. All sacred and deserving of gratitude and honor. And I learned on generational responsibility. Beautiful concepts in resonance with my own.
Acorn Ripening
I am fortunate to live in the former territory of the Cahuilla Indians who visited the mountain every fall to harvest acorns from the Black Oaks. I have an ancient oak in my yard and in the harvest season, I can imagine Indian women talking and laughing as they gather acorns.
Last fall I gathered acorns from my Grandmother Oak and took them to the tribe to be blessed and used. It will be a tradition now. 
My land is sacred, just as all land is sacred. And all Wild Things are welcome here. I don’t kill things and I don’t plant things. I find that the forest creates its own beautiful landscapes as it cares for its own.
A Nearby Church


Since I wasn’t going to be an American Indian, my search for a spiritual community led me to explore Earth-based religions. I studied Wicca for almost a year and a day and it deepened my connection to the Divine Feminine, Mother Earth, the Moon, and the beauty of each season. Rituals to honor the seasons are still part of my life. And the Wiccan Golden Rule (Do as you will. Harm none.) fits me well.


Shamanism and Ritual

How to live life with intention

I recently discovered the shamanic work of Sandra Ingerman and I wish to live my life with greater awareness and connection to other life forms on the planet.

I aspire to develop the magical way of living that she embodies, and to develop ritual practices to ground this intentional way of life.


The Net of Light and the ExtraDimensional Grandmothers

Honoring the Earth and the Divine Feminine
I was introduced to Sharon McErlane and the Grand Council of the Grandmothers (Extra Dimensionals) fifteen years ago. They speak of the Net of Light of which we are all a part and which connects us all. And the importance of the rising of the Divine Feminine in our culture. Their messages for humanity are becoming more urgent as the destruction of the Earth continues, unchecked.
There are groups throughout the world dedicated to doing healing work for the Earth, and one of them just happens to be in my community.
For me, this group is perfect blend of ED wisdom, explicit honoring of the Divine Feminine, and environmental activism. While the Internet is an invaluable resource, there’s nothing like an in-person hug and physically gathering with those of like minds and hearts.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming …
(Damn. When I looked up this quote that I remember from my childhood, I thought it was “program.” But it was actually “programming.” How true it was. And still is.)

What the Bleep!?

“When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready...the teacher will disappear.”


Science meets spirituality. Finally.

After some bumps in the road, my life was going along happily, productively, and predictably. And then an event happened that rocked my world. This time The Voice wasn’t directly involved. This time it was a chorus of my friends who spoke clearly and loudly. “We need to go to the movies.”

A new metaphysical movie had been released. That’s all I knew. It was 2004 and the movie was What the Bleep Do We Know?! I haven’t been the same since. (In a good way.)

The movie was all about consciousness, reality creation, parallel lives, time travel, mind creating matter, emotional addiction, rewiring your brain, the role of the observer … LOTS of Seth stuff. But this time the material wasn’t written by a ghost through a medium. It was presented by scientists and philosophers, loosely woven into an illustrative and entertaining story line.

Finally there was evidence that our thoughts and emotions create our realities, echoing what Seth shared decades earlier.

Joe Dispenza

There were lots of amazing interviews with scientists and philosophers in the movie, but the person who affected me the most was Dr. Joe Dispenza. He sat in front of a fireplace and talked about how he created his day. It’s a long quote, but I still love it.

I create my day …

“I wake up in the morning and I consciously create my day the way I want it to happen. Now sometimes, because my mind is examining all the things that I need to get done, it takes me a little bit to settle down and get to the point of where I’m actually intentionally creating my day. But here’s the thing: When I create my day and out of nowhere little things happen that are so unexplainable, I know that they are the process or the result of my creation. And the more I do that, the more I build a neural net in my brain that I accept that that’s possible. (This) gives me the power and the incentive to do it the next day.

“So if we’re consciously designing our destiny, and if we’re consciously from a spiritual standpoint throwing in with the idea that our thoughts can affect our reality or affect our life — because reality equals life — then I have this little pact that I have when I create my day.

“I say, ‘I’m taking this time to create my day and I’m infecting the quantum field. Now if (it) is in fact the observer’s watching me the whole time that I’m doing this and there is a spiritual aspect to myself, then show me a sign today that you paid attention to any one of these things that I created, and bring them in a way that I won’t expect, so I’m as surprised at my ability to be able to experience these things. And make it so that I have no doubt that it’s come from you,’ and so I live my life, in a sense, all day long thinking about being a genius or thinking about being the glory and the power of God or thinking about being unconditional love.

“I’ll use living as a genius, for example. And as I do that during parts of the day, I’ll have thoughts that are so amazing, that cause a chill in my physical body, that have come from nowhere. … the truth is is that I don’t think that unless I was creating my day to have unlimited thought, that that thought would come.”

–Dr. Joe Dispenza in ‘What the BLEEP Do We Know!?’

Hooked on Bliss

Small claim to fame: The data from a workshop I attended is included. Common people can indeed do the uncommon.

I began attending Joe Dispenza’s workshops in 2005 and find that I need a fix every few years. Nothing like the field that gets created when 500 people are meditating together with a common purpose: getting beyond yourself to create the highest version of yourself that you can be.

Happiness becomes your emotional setpoint. You’re hooked on Bliss and Gratitude. S**t can happen, but you default back to happiness.

I LOVE Joe Dispenza’s teachings. My logical, sequential side feels so satisfied as it understands how the brain works, how change is possible, and how we can create happy lives. And then to experience it!

But the time came when I felt the need to add some serious Yin energy to balance the Yang.

Lee Harris and the Zs

“You came here as powerful souls with messages to share with the world. It is the work of awakening in consciousness ... that you deliberately came here to do.”

– THE Zs

I’m not sure how I came to know Lee Harris’ work. It was probably around 2015 and I ran across one of his monthly energy updates on YouTube. Or maybe it was seeing him interviewed by Regina Meredith on her Gaia TV show, Open Minds. He channels a collective known as “the Zs,” and all I can say is that watching him, and hearing the Zs perspective on life, gives me a feeling of being wrapped in love, full of hope, totally supported by the universe, and empowered.

Lee and the Zs consistently offer very clear messages about the times we are living in and our roles on the planet. Consciousness is expanding and the planetary energy is changing. Evolution is moving us to allow the expression of more love and more compassion as we recognize that we are all part of the collective of humanity, of all beings here, and of our galactic kin. We are all connected. To each other and to the earth herself. And beyond.

LOVE Lee Harris and the Zs

Lee and the Zs are currently my go-to sources of higher dimensional perspectives, wisdom, and concepts and practices to support my personal evolution.

He is one of those highly intuitive and highly sensitive people on the planet, and offers great empathy and understanding to those of us who have to learn to manage our personal energy fields. It is not as simple as it sounds.

I’ve learned many things from his teachings: Stay in your body. It knows. It wants to communicate with you. Care for your energy field. Avoid those who drain your energy. Create some boundaries and care for them. Clear your traumas and unprocessed emotion. Honor your spiritual origins. Communicate with your higher self and your guides. Don’t isolate yourself. Find your community. Live your purpose. Live with joy. Live with love.

Lee Harris and me. What a beautiful, generous, loving spirit!

The other message from Lee Harris, and many others, is that all things unsustainable must break down to clear the way for the new. Governments, economic systems, educational systems, judicial systems, etc. … and relationships. This period in the history of the planet will be a bumpy ride, to say the least. This is the collective reality that we find ourselves in and have chosen. If we’re still here, we have work to do.

Bring it.

I was looking forward to a new creative project, but there was a surprise in store. 

The work I had to do was clearing a lifetime of unprocessed emotional trauma, precipitated by the ending of an unsustainable relationship. Serious clearing work had to be done before further expansion could take place.

And I lived to tell about it.

Encounter with a T-Rex

“That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.”


Unprocessed trauma. You hate it, right? For me, it’s like the cup scene in Jurassic Park. An early warning signal that a T-Rex is on the way and you had better do something about it.

So here’s the premise of the movie. Scientists clones dinosaurs. Guy wants to make a buck by creating a theme park featuring them. What could go wrong?

In this scene, the power grid that contains the T-Rex has gone down. The water in the cup holder resonated with the impact tremors of the approaching foot falls. This can’t be good. And then we see the T-Rex, looking for its next meal.

My Jurassic Park cup analogy

So when I think of emotional pain and unprocessed trauma you experienced in childhood, or at other times in life when the pain was so overwhelming that you couldn’t process it, I think of that cup. Each toxic unprocessed emotion drops in the cup. And over time, the cup gets pretty full. Pick your flavors – Fear. Anger. Rage. Vulnerability. Unworthiness. Unwanted. Unlovable. Undeserving. Incompetent. Embarrassed. Powerlessness. Helpless. Each time you didn’t allow yourself to feel these little bits of poison and clear them, they drop into your cup. And the amount of toxic emotion in the cup is directly related to the size of the T-Rex that you will need to deal with at some time in your life.
During traumatic life events, you had to develop survival strategies using the abilities you had at the time. Advantage: It helped. Disadvantage: You bring those survival patterns into adulthood and they interfere with your experience of yourself and your world. And limit your growth. 

The pisser: You are not aware of the T-Rex. And you are not even aware of the cup until you get “triggered” by an event in your present day. Maybe someone treats you badly or unfairly. Or someone sets the rainforest on fire. Or you hear that the coral reefs are dying. You feel powerless, just like you did when you were a kid. And that new drop of powerlessness resonates like a tuning fork with all the powerlessness in your cup. The water in the cup starts to ripple.
A drop of Powerlessness. Image by Derplani at

Now you have a choice:

1. Go unconscious and ignore it. Have another glass of wine. Add another drop to the cup. Go ahead. Feed the T-Rex.
2. Act out those old defenses developed in childhood, or later. Hurt people. Hurt yourself. Run away. The T-Rex loves it. Yum.
3. Process the s**t out of that Powerlessness.

“You cannot change what you do not own.”


There are a number of ways to process or transmute trauma. But they all emphasize owning the toxic emotions in your story. Your “baggage.”

And if you’re in a hurry to process ALL those pesky emotional traumas, there are always Grief Windows.

Grief Windows

It probably sounds like I’ve had the whole T-Rex thing down for a long time, but it was all new to me until a few years ago. An unsustainable relationship broke down and it was the breakup from hell. It turns out that my cup of unprocessed emotions was directly over the flames. And a T-Rex the size of Montana showed up.
I’m sure my friends were waiting for the time when I could go for a whole day without crying. They would have to wait at least six months.
I asked Lee Harris about my seemingly never ending grief, and he suggested that the breakup opened a “grief window.” The end of the relationship was the mother of all triggers. All of my unprocessed emotions surfaced at once. And I experienced them all.
Holy crap. I needed help.
I think your soul chooses the time and circumstances for this kind of work to be done, and I was fortunate to work with a gifted energy healer and shaman for almost a year. His help was invaluable.
Life is better than ever. And my T-Rex cup is now pretty shallow. I’m seeing it as small-lizard deep. Max. And I’m all about draining the swamp.
Back on track …

Ancient (and Current) Aliens

"Where are you from? Originally."


The Ancient Aliens series landed on the planet in 2009. The premise is that we have been visited in the past by more advanced beings who we considered gods. If you follow Erich von Daniken’s suggestion and substitute “ETs” for “angels” or wrathful “gods” as you read the Bible, and you begin to get the picture.
Actually, to be politically correct, the term ET (Extra Terrestrial) has been replaced by EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity). Maybe to differentiate them from the AI guys?
Anyway, Ancient Aliens connected the dots for me. There’s that stuff in Genesis about the sons of God and the daughters of man, which now sounds like an unauthorized hybridation program for all the trouble it caused. The flood and all.  And there are the beliefs of indigenous tribes throughout the world who trace their ancestry back to the “Star People.” And there’s the evidence that the placement of the Egyptian pyramids orients exactly to the constellation Orion. (I have always had a thing for the Orion constellation. Always the first thing I look for. And I always feel better after I find it.)  The list of evidence goes on.
Some believe that it’s possible that we’re GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) – Seeded here. Tinkered with. Tended. Watched over. Visited. If that’s the case, who’s doing the seeding, tinkering, tending, watching over and visiting?  And why?
An infinite number of theories and ideas are to be found down the rabbit hole.
Portal to the Rabbit Hole
The unlikely location of the current rabbit hole is the Renaissance Indian Wells Resort and Spa in Indian Wells, California, where the Contact in the Desert convention is now held each year. 
I make an annual pilgrimage there, along with my healthy boulder of salt. Because sometimes a grain of salt just won’t do. (The old location used to be in Joshua Tree, near Giant Rock, where George van Tassel met with the EBEs from Venus. That’s where I saw my first UFOs. I know I just lost lots of readers, but I warned you about the rabbit hole.)
Reunion time
You’ll find a WIDE range of presenters at CITD: quantum physicists, military people, archeologists, historians, people who have served in the Secret Space Program, regression therapists, remote viewers, conspiracy theorists, whistle blowers, people who have had actual physical contact with EBEs, and even rabid Trump followers who believe that he is tapped into QAnon and will disclose the ET presence at any moment … You get the picture.
I’ve been to a lot of lectures, but putting on some night vision goggles changed my life.
Our group witnessed three craft flying in formation, changing speed, powering up (increasing brightness about tenfold), and blinking out. For me, that’s what it took to go from being an Earthling to knowing that I’m part of a WAY bigger tribe. Galactic even. Or even bigger than that.
BTW: The US Navy now refers to UFOs as UAPs. “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.”

"First Contact"

The whole White House lawn thing didn’t work out too well for Klatuu as we all remember. Just sayin’.
I’ve met people who can’t wait for EBEs to land on the White House lawn and for the government to make an official announcement that we are not alone in the universe. And finally disclose that EBEs have been here since before Roswell and the government made contracts with them (the bad ones). They have given us information that has resulted in rapid technological advancement, and in return we have given them certain rights with our citizens since their race is dying out due to inability to reproduce.
The government would also make apologies to the people and say it was sorry that it took so long to tell us the truth. And they will immediately contact the good EBEs and negotiate contracts to clean up our planet and give us new healing technologies.
I’m not seeing that happen at the moment.

Imagine that you are a member of an advanced civilization who cared about humanity and planet Earth. Would you actually want to have physical contact with us?

This is a brutal planet. Better to assist from a distance. Or in deep cover.
So the new idea is that an actual 3D, physical experience with an EBE is not required to “prove” that other beings exist in the universe. Individual contact with EDs (Extra-Dimensionals, like Seth, or Aunt Martha, or guardian angels, or ascended masters, or the 11th dimensional Pleiadians) is the way “first contact” will happen.
Then when we’re accustomed to this type of contact, physical contact might be more likely if it were beneficial to all concerned. And we would start seeing more lights in the sky. And maybe on the White House lawn.

Galactic EDs

Contact with Extra Dimensionals (EDs) has been going on for a long time. Who’s to say that the Biblical gods and angels weren’t from other galaxies? We know they didn’t have physical forms, so where were they from? Originally. Maybe they were higher dimensional Earthlings. Or future Earthlings. Who knows?

Where do you think she’s from? Originally.

My first ED was Seth, decades ago. I never thought about Seth as having a place of origin. I’m still not sure where he is from, other than a higher dimension. But it doesn’t matter. His messages were profoundly helpful to me to better understand my place in the universe.

And since my encounters with Seth decades ago, I’m always interested in what EDs have to say.


Some Favorite EDs

Ask and It Is Given

Back in the early 2000s, I had been away from spiritual teachings for quite awhile. Life happens and all. A friend gave me a deck of cards called Ask And It Is Given by Abraham-Hicks. (Abraham is a collective of EDs channeled by Esther Hicks.)

It changed my life. Sweet messages of love and affirmations about our true nature. I put cards in picture frames and scattered them throughout the house. I was never far away from an uplifting message.
I love these ED perspectives on life and humanity.

"Appreciation and self-love are the most important aspects you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others and appreciation of yourself are the closest vibrational matches to Source Energy of anything we have ever witnessed anywhere in this Universe."


There are LOTS of ED channels out there. Some EDs have their own websites, Facebook pages and YouTube channels. You can binge watch for days. And chat with others. And you can go to live events. I attended my first live channeling event in the 90s. So inspirational.
I always enjoy hearing more expanded and interesting perspectives about humanity and its place here.

My ED Playlist

In no particular order. Each of my favorite channels has their own energy and themes they wish to present. Same as humans.
Some days you would like a big, supportive hug and some encouragement. Other days, you’re into wanting to dig out an unconscious belief that is limiting you. Some days you’re curious about exopolitics and what’s going on in the galaxy. Past, present, and future. Some days you want to get into the energy of healing the earth. Some days you want to get in touch with nature. And some days you want to connect to the Divine Feminine.
  • Lee Harris and the Zs
  • Darryl Anka and Bashar
  • Abraham-Hicks
  • Jane Roberts and Seth (books)
  • Sharon McErlane and the Great Council of the Grandmothers (books and groups)
  • Nora Herold and the Pleiadians, Yeshua, and the faeries
  • Wendy Kennedy and the Ps
  • Lee Caroll and Kryon
My list continues to expand.

Love Is Always the Answer

One really important thing I discovered while descending the rabbit hole: Just as there are kind and loving beings on earth who have a pure and genuine desire to be of assistance to humanity, there are also a-holes who out there who wish to deceive, dominate and control. Same thing with EDs. Avoid the bad guys. Some of them and their followers scare the crap out of me.

Like Attracts Like

Here’s how I see it. If you’re spiritually awake and aware and wish to be of service to humanity, the EDs that you will be resonant with share the same intentions. If you’re angry, fearful and manipulative, the EDs you will be resonant with are happy to manipulate you and create fear.

My Test of Truth

To Serve Man. With a little Chianti?
Some of you might be old enough to remember the Twilight Zone episode, To Serve Man.
It made an indelible effect on me, and I only saw it once.
I am grateful for the experience. It reminds me to keep my discernment skills honed.

This is my test of truth:

Messages from the Great Beyond will either resonate with you in a positive way or they won't. Meaning, they will either fill your heart with love, give you profound truths about life that resonate deeply with you, and generate feelings of safety and support in your body OR they will scare you sh*tless.

When I run across future scenarios of doom and gloom for the planet and humanity, I’m always reminded of the belief that there are infinite probable and parallel realities and timelines that we can experience.

This is a useful belief for me.

Pick a Reality

"There is infinite number of parallel reality Earths, each of which is representative of a different idea, a different expression of itself. Some very similar to each other. Some very different.
... When you change the vibration of your being ... you shift yourself to a parallel Earth already existing at the vibratory level you have created within yourself.


A recent example was a visit to New York City. Having heard about the callousness of city dwellers, I initially thought that I would need to create some industrial strength defensive walls (As if I knew how to do that.) OR I could reinforce my boundaries, keep the energy of love and compassion flowing, and intend that my reality matched it.

Everywhere I went I was met with kindness. Even in the subway where an angelic being taught me how to swipe my entry card. (There’s a trick to it.) Every conversation I overheard reflected self-awareness and desire to grow. I even passed a men’s rest room designated as a baby changing station. (Times have changed. Yay!)

Parents I encountered were patiently and lovingly tending their inquisitive children. There were a few heated disagreements on the street, but they discharged quickly.

THAT was the reality that matched my own. The things that predominantly showed up for me were consistent with my beliefs and my feeling state. I had a great time.

A Lesson from Seth

Another example.

Funny thing. (Read some sarcasm into that.) Since I began writing about him for the website, he has made his presence known again and continues to teach me about reality creation.

Match your energy to the reality you wish to experience.

I had put on a couple of unwanted pounds and was trying to shed them as many do. Really trying. The numbers stayed the same. I even gained a pound.

One morning a miracle happened. I stepped on the scale, and there it was! The numbers that reflected my belief about my ideal weight! Woo hoo!

Then IMMEDIATELY my mind got involved and thought, “That’s not possible!” And the spell was broken, just like the penny scene in Somewhere in Time where Christopher Reeve leaves Jane Seymour and returns to his life in the future and dies. But they lived happily ever after in the after life. (Sorry for the spoiler if you haven’t seen the movie.)

When I stepped on the scale again, I saw the numbers I expected to see. Apparently I lost and gained three pounds in the span of 10 seconds. Or I briefly shifted to a parallel timeline.

Lessons: (1) Whatever you focus on expands. No exceptions. (Ha.Ha. Very funny.) (2) We live in an infinite number of parallel realities and we get to choose which one we wish to experience, based on our frequency and beliefs.

As soon as I shift into the reality where I’m three pounds lighter, I’m making it count! I’m shifting to an Earth full of love and compassion where people care about the Earth and each other. And we live in a sustainable world full of beauty and creativity and joy and laughter. A world in harmony with nature. Hope to see you there!

Back to the EDs …

My "A-Team"

The Human Experience

I have always imagined my guides as a deep sea dive team. Good buds of mine on the other side, in the real world, agreeing to help and support me with my earth adventure where I get to have a human body.

I know that when I sleep, or I’m in a meditative state, I take off my body suit and my consciousness is free to explore and create. And to hang with my buds and helpers.

We catch up and review our plans. We take meetings with those involved in our future story lines. And we have other jobs to do, like healing or teaching. 

But just like any adventurer, when I’m down here in my dive suit, I enjoy figuring things out for myself. Sometimes I turn off the GPS and chart my own course. If I go too far astray, I might hear The Voice. Or have a life experience that gets me back on track.

But when I check in with my A-Team, they invariably have higher perspectives to share about my adventure, and I have a deeper appreciation for this experience. It never fails.

Full Circle

My spiritual journey in this lifetime started at the time of my awakening in the 80s and has been a lifelong journey to remember who I am at deeper levels: a spiritual being having a physical experience who happens to be multidimensional. Galactic even.

My curiosity continues to lead me to new discoveries about myself and others and our place in the universe.

The Voice has been with me for decades, and I have had written communication with my Higher Self and guides for a long time. But those connections always felt somewhat “at a distance” and more intellectual than intimate.

Recently my connection with my ED buds has expanded to a much deeper level. We are developing relationships as I have gotten to know their names and the ways that they assist me. It’s really quite amazing. And my ED connections have grown.

In the summer of 2019 I participated in a crystal bowl session that created an immediate expansion of consciousness that hooked me up with other groups wishing to assist humanity at this time. The first group I heard from are a 5th dimensional Pleiadian collective.

The Voice is encouraging me to publish these messages.

I’ve never said no to The Voice before, and so that meant creating a new website …

Notes from is up and running. And I can feel the EDs lining up to share their love and wisdom with us all.

What Next?!?

I’m grateful to be exactly where I am, but I’m ready for more.

Fortunately, I’m comfortable living in the unknown. It’s my permanent address.

But seriously, the question I always ask is,

“How does my belief system make me a better person?”

And my answer is:

It is comforting to know that we are not alone in the universe.
It is comforting to know that there are loving beings who have been where we are and wish to be of assistance.
It is comforting to know that evolution is ALWAYS in the direction of more love and compassion for all other things. Even our turbulent times will lead us to this.
It is exciting to know that as we expand our consciousness and create more love in the world, the universe expands. And is grateful.

Love is always the answer.


About the Hubble Galaxy Field Photo

Billions and billions of stars. In billions and billions of galaxies. And more exoplanets being discovered seemingly everyday. Impossible for me to believe that we’re all alone!

Here’s the link to NASA to read more about this image: Hubble Sees a Legion of Galaxies.

Warning: This site is potentially addictive. Like the eagle nest cams.