Life in Idyllwild

Life in Idyllwild


– me

Idyllwild Life


It was the voice of a raven that led me to the mountains. I was living in Orange County at the time and working on the endangered Catalina Island Fox documentary.

On a beautiful summer afternoon, I was in one of the breeding pens. Just me and the foxes and a very long lens. It was so quiet. I could hear things I’ve never heard before. Insects. The sound of the breeze. And the sound of the ravens’ wing beats at they flew overhead. I could hear their wing beats before they came into view. They called to each other, or maybe to me.

It was perfect. At that moment, I knew that I wanted to live somewhere where I could hear the sound of the ravens’ wing beats.

And the mountains called me.

That was many years ago and I have never been happier. And almost everyday, I’m graced with the presence of beautiful raven friends in my yard.


Whatever I want to create seems to be supported by the mountain herself. So blessed to be in a place so perfect for me.

Here’s Where You’ll Find Me

Sauntering in Nature. With a Camera.

Full disclosure: I’m not a hiker. And God knows, I’ve tried.

I have an Osprey backpack and an Arc’teryx down jacket to prove it. I bought them thinking that they would inspire me to become a hiker. Pushing myself to the top of the mountain. Although I did make the trip, it was an Epic fail. I missed so much along the way.

The idea of getting from Point A to Point B as quickly as you can has never appealed to me. And it never will. The view will never be as spectacular as the unexpected encounters with the Wild Things you can meet along the trail.

I always felt like a member of a misunderstood minority until I found this quote by John Muir. I had discovered a kindred spirit.

"Now these mountains are our Holy Land, and one ought to saunter through them reverently, not 'hike' through them."

– John muir

Giving Thanks

My cabin is on land once loved and cared for by the Cahuilla Indians. In the fall, I imagine Cahuilla women gathering acorns in my front yard, lovingly provided by my Grandmother Oak.

All creatures are welcome here. I don’t kill things and I don’t plant things. I wish it to be as Grandmother Mountain intends for all her children.

Grateful to be on this sacred land.

Loving Idyllwild’s Lemon Lilies

When I first moved to town, I was particularly taken by the community’s dedication to the restoration of Idyllwild’s native Lemon Lily. These spectacular wildflowers were not officially on the endangered species list, but close to it. I became involved in the cause and was determined to help raise consciousness in as many ways as I could.
I wrote a children’s book and developed other educational material, created t-shirts for the Lemon Lily Festival, and produced a short film that was shown at the Idyllwild Film Festival.
Spending time with the Lemon Lilies was amazing, and making this little video was a joyful experience for me.

I Require Music.

I enjoy art, to be sure. But I require music. Live music. It feeds my soul. Fortunately, venues are everywhere around town. And we have world-class musicians here.
Idyllwild Arts
Idyllwild is blessed to be the site of the prestigious Idyllwild Arts Academy – an international boarding school for high school students with exceptional talents in music and the arts.
And the best thing? The community is invited to share in it all, with fashion shows, and theater, and all other forms of artistic expression. I (almost) never miss a concert. Or the summer Jazz Festival.
Idyllwild Arts Summer Jazz Festival. Amazing talent at a beautiful venue.
Summer Concerts. And Dancing.
Summer nights in July and August are magical. And every Thursday night the town has free summer concerts. The town shows up, ready to picnic and party. The bats come out at sunset and put on their show. And for humans, dancing is always optional. Except when Lisa Haley and the Zydecats and Blue Breeze (Motown and some Bruno Mars) perform. Dancing is mandatory then.
Blue Breeze on Motown Night! Dancing required.
Music in Town
In the summer it’s possible to see three (or more) excellent performers around town every day on the weekends. Jazz Grass is one of my favorites.

And even in the “dead” of winter, the town is alive with music in restaurants and wine bars. And every musician has an incredible back story. We are so blessed!

Jazz Grass on a perfect summer evening

My Roomies



I share my life in Idyllwild with my companion, Bella.

She’s a shelter dog, picked up as a stray on the mean streets of the desert, who was (incorrectly) labelled as a “Lab mix”. Just what I was looking for! However, her vet told me she is not a Lab mix. She is an American Lab.

Uh. What?

Apparently, American Labs are bred by the hunters for field trials. High energy, athletic, and headstrong. And scary smart. And according to one website, “the happiest dogs on earth.” All true.

Once again, the universe made a perfect match. You’ll find us walking around town, with Bella getting her one mile smelly walk every day.



Years ago, when my son was in middle school, he wanted his own companion parrot. We had Amazons and Cockatiels, but he was in love with Macaws.

A breeder we knew had a pair of Macaws that had abandoned their nest containing three fertile eggs. The breeder doubted that the eggs would hatch, but gave them to us and allowed us to borrow an incubator.

One day in March, 1994, one egg miraculously hatched. And my son hand fed her and cared for her until she was weaned. No need for the middle school “importance of contraception” lectures. He knew all about the responsibilities of parenting and caring for babies.

When he went to college, I inherited Rita. She is lovely. We say our daily “good mornings” and “I love yous.” And other thoughts throughout the day. She even laughs at Colbert with me.

She shares a bird room with a few happy cockatiels. But when I’m home, all the birds are free to hang out with me on their living room perches.

There are no cages here. For anyone.

Sadly, Rita travelled over the rainbow bridge in February, 2023. I miss her love and laughter. But sweet boys Cooper and Buddy are always good company and their happy singing often fills the cabin.

Life is good.

About the San Jacinto Mountain Photo

What a storm!

This photo was taken in December, 2012, on Highway 74 on the way back up the hill to Idyllwild from Hemet. I had some snow to shovel! Luckily I have a 1999 Jeep Cherokee that did most of the work.

Idyllwild is in the valley below Lily Rock, on the right side of the photo. Home Sweet Home.