Imbolc Blessings

Imbolc is my favorite time of year. It’s the time between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, when new life awakens and begins to emerge. A powerful time of transformation and new growth. And I love being on “Daffodil Watch” as I patiently await signs of their emergence from their long winter nap. There might still be snow on the ground, but for me, Spring has arrived.

Hairy Woodpecker

This sweet girl stopped by to enjoy some peanut suet on a chilly fall evening. So thrilled to see her!

Hungry Chickadee

This sweet Chickadee stopped by for dinner and was waiting patiently for a spot at the feeder. Such a blessing on a warm Idy evening.


This beautiful little being stopped by to hunt for lunch. They stayed for quite awhile, darting up and back from their perch. What a nice surprise on a summer afternoon!

Mama Bluebird

Spring is such a magical time of year! Mama Bluebird and her mate stop by everyday, and it’s always such a blessing to see them. Wishing them a healthy, happy family this season.