Hairy Woodpecker

This sweet girl stopped by to enjoy some peanut suet on a chilly fall evening. So thrilled to see her!

Hungry Chickadee

This sweet Chickadee stopped by for dinner and was waiting patiently for a spot at the feeder. Such a blessing on a warm Idy evening.


This beautiful little being stopped by to hunt for lunch. They stayed for quite awhile, darting up and back from their perch. What a nice surprise on a summer afternoon!

Mama Bluebird

Spring is such a magical time of year! Mama Bluebird and her mate stop by everyday, and it’s always such a blessing to see them. Wishing them a healthy, happy family this season.

Bees in Poppy

When April comes, I need to see poppies. So I headed for Wilson Valley Road. Nothing like the spectacular Super Bloom a couple of years ago, but there’s always something magical to be discovered in nature. I found a few poppies, and discovered this pair of bees when I downloaded the day’s photos. There’s hope for the future.

San Jacinto Wildlife Area • Spring Is Here!

The air is filled with the songs of Spring and beauty is all around!

Band-Tailed Pigeons

I love our mountain pigeons! This pair has been hanging out in the cedar tree for a couple of days. Wishing them a happy Spring!

Blooming Day

Time to welcome this cheerful one to the garden. Spring is in the air!